A new IHOPE article has been published by Global Change Biology entitled “Exploring the Interface Between Planetary Boundaries and Palaeoecology”. IHOPE SSC member Paul Lane is a co-author on this interesting article….
Tag: Archaeology
We are pleased to announce that the book Maya Wisdom and the Survival of Our Planet by SSC Member Lisa J. Lucero will be released by Oxford University Press on January 27th….
Swedigarch (The Swedish National Infrastructure for Digital Archaeology) has planned an upcoming workshop on November 20th from 14.15 – 16.00 Central European Time. The workshop – Making archaeological geodata open and FAIR…
We are excited to announce the production of a new short film – Greenland RESPONSE – on the archaeologies of climate change in UNESCO Kujataa Greenland. The film follows the efforts of…
First Cities: Planning Lessons for the 21st Century by Dean Saitta was published by Cambridge University Press on April 2nd, 2024. The publication examines international case studies of city building over a…
We are excited to announce three of IHOPE’s SSC members published a paper in the journal Urban Studies last month entitled “Growth and decline of a sustainable city: A multitemporal perspective on…
A virtual Q&A session with IHOPE Scientific Steering Committee member Marcy Rockman will be held on Zoom April 10th from 4 – 5pm (CET/UTC+2). This session is a follow up to the…
The Sacred Waters conference invites paper abstracts of 200 words by February 20th, 2024. The international and transdisciplinary conference will be organized by Sewanee: The University of the South, Durham University, and…
IHOPE, along with IALA and IALE, is organizing a session at the Landscape Archaeology Conference 2024 (LAC 2024). We now invite you to submit your abstracts to contribute to the session by…
We are sad to acknowledge the departure of our dear Professor Paul Sinclair (1949-2023) who died in his home, surrounded by his family, after a period of illness. Paul Sinclair has been…