Aarhus, Denmark

The ARN-Aarhus Research Node is hosted by Aarhus University, Denmark. Housed at the Moesgaard Campus, ARN brings together researchers based in and around Denmark. We are involved in a range of research groups which provide diverse platforms for cross-disciplinary discourses and collaboration.

CEH is concerned with re-engaging the environment in disciplines such as history, religion, literature, ethics, archaeology, anthropology, education, and artistic practice. CEH brings together Environmental Humanities scholars at Aarhus to explore the cultural interfaces of different societies and their surroundings, synchronically and diachronically.

Anchored at the AU Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, LaPaDis examines how human individuals and groups in the past responded to and coped with rapid environmental change and punctuated events. We use a wide array of analytical techniques to investigate the relationship between past cultures and environmental events with a current emphasis on volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.

BIOCHANGE focuses on improving our understanding and predictive capacity of the complex biodiversity dynamics under anthropogenic global change and their consequences for people and society. The center is developing novel interdisciplinary approaches to understand how biodiversity and society interact and promote biodiversity in a changing, densely populated world.

UrbNet explores the archaeology and history of urban societies and their networks from the Ancient Mediterranean to medieval Northern Europe and to the Indian Ocean World. We integrate contextual cultural studies rooted in the Humanities with new methods from the natural sciences. Approaching urbanism as network dynamics, UrbNet is developing a high-definition archaeology to determine how urban networks catalysed expansions and crises in the past.
Risk Knowledge⇄Action Network
ARN is also participating in the newly established Risk Knowledge-Action Network with Felix joining their development team. These are collaborative frameworks of Future Earth that facilitate highly integrative sustainability research with the aim to generate the multifaceted knowledge required to inform solutions for complex societal issues.
ARN special competences
Themes and methods: Disaster Science; Urban Networks; Biological Change; Mixed Methods Research.
Regions: Scandinavia, the Mediterrean basin, sub-Saharan Africa
Contact: Felix Riede (f.riede@cas.au.dk) and/or Federica Sulas (sulas@cas.au.dk)