Call for Papers – Sacred Waters: an International and Transdisciplinary Conference
The Sacred Waters conference invites paper abstracts of 200 words by February 20th, 2024. The international and transdisciplinary conference will be organized by Sewanee: The University of the South, Durham University, and the Folklore Museums Network.
Suggested themes for papers:
“considering holy wells and sacred springs, pools, rivers, lagoons and lakes:
- in terms of archaeological and hydrogeological characteristics
- as therapeutic landscapes
- in relation to medical humanities and the folklore of healing waters
- their pilgrimage traditions and folk liturgies
- their histories and use
- their associated saint cults or numens
- as a focus of social relations between humans and non-human persons
- as ecosystems
- their associated trees, rocks and sacred topographies
- as sites of Biocultural Diversity“
The Sacred Waters conference aims to gather an interdisciplinary perspective for a better understanding of Sacred Natural Sites. It will will be held June 30th – July 3rd, 2024 in Buxton, England.
More details as well as the link to submit abstracts can be found at the conference website.