Uppsala, Sweden

The department of Department of Archaeology and Ancient History houses different research projects in the areas of Archaeology, Classical Archaeology, Global Archaeology and Egyptology. It also houses an international master programme in Global Environmental History. The department houses several research projects related to IHOPE’s objectives. In particular the IHOPE affiliated Domesticated Landscapes of the Peloponnese (DoLP) and Contesting Marginality (Boreal forests of Northern Sweden). The department has a very strong competence in African Archaeology and is housing the IHOPE project Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change (ARCC). Researchers in the department collaborate through the Historical Ecology Cluster that also supports the IHOPE Project Office.

Uppsala also house The Swedish Biodiversity Centre, CBM, at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). CBM is a center for research and communication on conservation, restoration and sustainable use of biodiversity as a crucial issue for society with several linked research projects across the world. CBM conduct and coordinate policy-relevant research on the complex interactions between biodiversity and social development, and contribute to society’s capacity to manage these interactions in a sustainable way. Together the two centers collaborate on the theme Biocultural Heritage.

Special competences include: Biocultural Heritage; Integrated Landscape Analyses; Digital Humanities
Regional special competence: Southern and Eastern Africa, Central and northern Scandinavia; Greece; Oceanea
Theme responsibilities: Biocultural Heritage
Contact: karl-johan.lindholm@arkeologi.uu.se