The following list of IHOPE publications was updated May 9th, 2024 . Publications related to projects/themes and regional nodes can also be found on respective webpages. We now have a downloadable pdf of all our publications from 2023 and 2022.
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Acabado, S. B., & Martin, M. M. (2024). Older Is Not Necessarily Better: Decolonizing Ifugao History through the Archaeology of the Rice Terraces. Land, 13(2), 237.
Andreasen, L. S., Cornér, J., Abbott, P., Sinclair, V. A., Riede, F., & Timmreck, C. (2024). Changes in Northern Hemisphere extra-tropical cyclone frequency following volcanic eruptions. Environmental Research: Climate.
Andrieu, J., Anupama, K., Bautès, N., Benabou, S., Crook, O. J., Gunasekera, V., … & Mathevet, R. (2024). Multiscale analysis of land use and land cover changes in Sri Lanka by remote sensing: the impacts of post-war infrastructure development in the last 20 Years (2002-2022). Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 51(4).
Arthur, F., Hatlestad, K., Lindholm, K. J., Loftsgarden, K., Löwenborg, D., Solheim, S., … & Renssen, H. (2024). The impact of volcanism on Scandinavian climate and human societies during the Holocene: Insights into the Fimbulwinter eruptions (536/540 AD). The Holocene, 09596836231225718.
Bamidele, S., & Pikirayi, I. (2024). African Union Kampala Convention: The Continuing Dialogue on the Protection of Internally Displaced Persons in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 00219096231225944.
Holm, P., Hayes, P., & Nicholls, J. (2024). Historical marine footprint for Atlantic Europe, 1500–2019. Ambio, 1-13.
Isendahl, C., Dunning, N. P., Grazioso, L., Hawken, S., Lentz, D. L., & Scarborough, V. L. (2024). Growth and decline of a sustainable city: A multitemporal perspective on blue-black-green infrastructures at the pre-Columbian Lowland Maya city of Tikal. Urban Studies, 00420980231224648.
Leff, E. (2024). Heidegger in the Face of the Environmental Question: The Immanence of Life. Taylor & Francis.
Ljungqvist, F. C., Seim, A., & Collet, D. (2024). Famines in medieval and early modern Europe—Connecting climate and society. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 15(1), e859.
Mazuy, A., Ferrara, V., Ekblom, A., & Delhon, C. (2024). A rapid and simple method for the extraction of biogenic silica (BSi) in phytolith-poor sediments and soils. MethodsX, 102634.
Pereira, J. G., Rosalino, L. M., Ekblom, A., & Santos, M. J. (2024). Livelihood vulnerability and human-wildlife interactions across protected areas. Ecology and Society, 29(1).
Pugliese, F., Cayón, L., & Neves, E. (2024). Building Meanings as Places: The Archaeology of the Shellmounds and the Indigenous Infrastructure of the Amazon. In Infrastructure in Archaeological Discourse (pp. 219-240). Routledge.
Scaini, A., Mulligan, J., Berg, H., Brangarí, A., Bukachi, V., Carenzo, S., …Lane, P., Ekblom, A. & Tompsett, A. (2024). Pathways from research to sustainable development: Insights from ten research projects in sustainability and resilience. Ambio, 1-17.
Sigl, M., Van Dijk, E., Gabriel, I., Abbott, P., Nicolussi, K., Pearson, C., … Riede, F. & Toohey, M. (2024). Exact timing, sulfur spread and global climate footprint of the caldera-forming Mt. Mazama eruption, the largest volcanic eruption of the Holocene (No. EGU24-9211). Copernicus Meetings.
Vico, E. P., Sörlin, S., Hanell, L., & Salö, L. (2024). Valorizing the humanities: Impact stories, acting spaces, and meandering knowledge flows. Making Universities Matter, 211.
Wickberg, A., Lidström, S., Lagerkvist, A., Meyer, T., Wormbs, N., Gärdebo, J., … Sörlin, S. & Höhler, S. (2024). The mediated planet: Datafication and the environmental SDGs. Environmental Science & Policy, 153, 103673.
Allard, A., Brown, A., Hurford, C., Isendahl, C., Hilpold, A., Tappeiner, U., … & Hedenås, H. (2023). Data collected in situ: unique details or integrated components of monitoring schemes. In Monitoring Biodiversity (pp. 74-107). Routledge.
Alleway, H. K., Klein, E. S., Cameron, L., Douglass, K., Govia, I., Guell, C., … & Thurstan, R. H. (2023). The shifting baseline syndrome as a connective concept for more informed and just responses to global environmental change. People and Nature.
Andreasen, L., Corner, J., Abbott, P., Sinclair, V., Riede, F., & Timmreck, C. (2023). Volcanically induced increase in extra-tropical cyclone frequency (No. EGU23-12526). Copernicus Meetings.
Bamidele, S., & Pikirayi, I. (2023). Assessing the effectiveness of government and non‐governmental organization in assisting internally displaced women in Nigeria. Development Policy Review, 41(4), e12682.
Bamidele, S., & Pikirayi, I. (2023). The Kampala Convention and challenges to geopolitical security.
Belli, C., Caracuta, V., Nadel, D. et al. Archaeobotany of el-Wad Terrace, Mount Carmel (Israel): insights into plant exploitation along the Natufian sequence. Veget Hist Archaeobot (2023).
Briggs, L., Cooper, J., Craig, O., Heron, C., Lucquin, A., Martínez Milantchí, M. & Samson, A. (2023). Molecular evidence for new foodways in the early colonial Caribbean: organic residue analysis at Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 15. 10.1007/s12520-023-01771-y.
Buffa, D. C., Thompson, K. E., Reijerkerk, D., Brittain, S., Manahira, G., Samba, R., … & Douglass, K. (2023). Understanding constraints to adaptation using a community-centred toolkit. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 378(1889), 20220391.
Chakrabarti, S., & Ekblom, A. (2023). Covid-19 pandemic effects and responses in the Maasai Mara conservancy. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 14673584231162275.
Chen, T. H. K., Horsdal, H. T., Samuelsson, K., Closter, A. M., Davies, M., Barthel, S., … & Sabel, C. E. (2023). Higher depression risks in medium-than in high-density urban form across Denmark. Science Advances, 9(21), eadf3760.
Collste, D., Barbour, F., Callegari, B., Cornell, S., Gaffney, O., Spittler, N., & Stoknes, P. E. (2023). Modeling human wellbeing on a finite planet towards 2100 with Earth4All.
Cong, C., Pan, H., Page, J., Barthel, S., & Kalantari, Z. (2023). Modeling place-based nature-based solutions to promote urban carbon neutrality. Ambio, 52(8), 1297-1313.
Couturier, T., Bauduin, S., Astruc, G., Blanck, A., Canonne, C., Chambert, T., … Mathevet, R. & Gimenez, O. (2023). Building spaces of interactions between researchers and managers: Case studies with wildlife monitoring and conservation in France. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 4(2), e12245.
Cretella, A.,Scherer, C., Holm, P.,(2023) Tasting the ocean: How to increase ocean literacy using seafood heritage with a visceral approach,Marine Policy, Volume 149,2023, 105476, ISSN 0308-597X, .
Crumley, C. (2023) Heterarchy and Social Theory. In: Cerny, Philip G. (ed.) Heterarchy in World Politics, pp.30-41. Innovations in International Affairs Series. Abingdon-on-Thames UK: Routledge.
Crumley, C. (2023) Diversity is Key: Historical ecology as an indispensable tool for our time. Biodiverse 2:26. Centre for Biodiversity, Swedish Agricultural University, Uppsala.
Davis, D. S., Rasolondrainy, T., Manahira, G., Hixon, S., Andriankaja, V., Hubertine, L., … & Douglass, K. (2023). Social networks as risk-mitigation strategies in south-west Madagascar. Antiquity, 97(395), 1296-1312.
Davis, D. S., Manahira, G., Domic, A. I., Lahiniriko, F., Andriankaja, V., Carnat, T. L., Clovis, M. B. J., Colombe, C., Fenomanana, F., Hubertine, L., Justome, R., Léonce, H., Yves, A. J., Roi, R., Victorian, F., Voahirana, V., & Douglass, K. (2023). Evidence of lithic blade technology in southwest Madagascar. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology.
Day, J. W., Hall, C. A., Klitgaard, K., Gunn, J. D., Ko, J. Y., & Burger, J. R. (2023). The coming perfect storm: Diminishing sustainability of coastal human–natural systems in the Anthropocene. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, 1, e35.
de Almeida Bizarria, F. P., de Oliveira, B. G., Barbosa, F. L. S., & Oliveira, M. S. (2023). Da Educação Ambiental crítica à Educação Ambiental decolonial: revisando concepções em narrativas à luz da racionalidade ambiental. Revista Brasileira de Educação Ambiental (RevBEA), 18(3), 172-195.
Diodato, N., Ljungqvist, F. C., & Bellocchi, G. (2023). Historical information sheds new light on the intensification of flooding in the Central Mediterranean. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 10664.
Diodato, N., Ljungqvist, F.C., Fiorillo, F. & Bellocchi, G., ”A framework for modelling emergent sediment loss in the Ombrone River Basin, central Italy”, PLOS Water, 2 (2023): e0000072.
Herskind, L., & Riede, F. (2023). Squeezing Minds from Stones: Cognitive Archaeology and the Evolution of the Human Mind. Karenleigh A. Overmann and Frederick L. Coolidge, editors. 2019. Oxford University Press, Oxford. American Antiquity, 1-2. doi:10.1017/aaq.2023.12
Davis, D. S., Manahira, G., Domic, A. I., Lahiniriko, F., Andriankaja, V., Carnat, T. L., Clovis, M. B. J., Colombe, C., Fenomanana, F., Hubertine, L., Justome, R., Léonce, H., Yves, A. J., Roi, R., Victorian, F., Voahirana, V., & Douglass, K. (2023). Evidence of lithic blade technology in southwest Madagascar. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology.
Diodato, N., Ljungqvist, F.C., Fiorillo, F. & Bellocchi, G., ”A framework for modelling emergent sediment loss in the Ombrone River Basin, central Italy”, PLOS Water, 2 (2023): e0000072.
Ekblom, A., Notelid, M., Lindahl, A., & Mtetwa, E. (2023). Chicumbane Connections: Lower Limpopo Valley During the First Millennium AD. African Archaeological Review, 1-20.
Farias, A. L., Leff, E., & Albarrán, E. I. R. (2023). Psicoanálisis, filosofía y ecología política. Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente, 62.
Fitton, T., Sulas, F., Lisowski, M., Alexander, M., Juma, A., & Wynne‐Jones, S. (2023). Integrating spatial and legacy data to understand archaeological sites in their landscape. A case study from Unguja Ukuu, Zanzibar. Archaeological Prospection, 30(2), 185-208.
Furquim, L.P., Neves, E.G., Shock, M.P., Watling, J. (2023). The Constructed Biodiversity, Forest Management and Use of Fire in Ancient Amazon: An Archaeological Testimony on the Last 14,000 Years of Indigenous History. In: Ikeya, K., Balée, W. (eds) Global Ecology in Historical Perspective. Springer, Singapore.
Gasparatos, A., Von Maltitz, G., Ahmed, A., Dompreh, E. B., Jarzebski, M. P., Saito, O., … & Lozano Lazo, D. P. (2023). Mobilizing participatory approaches to introduce transdisciplinary research elements when exploring the interface of commodity crop production and food security in Sub-Saharan Africa. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7, 1132465.
Gillson, L., Hoffman, M. T., Gell, P. A., Ekblom, A., & Bond, W. J. (2023). Trees, carbon, and the psychology of landscapes. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.
Gillson, L., Razanatsoa, E., Razafimanantsoa, A. H. I., Virah-Sawmy, M., & Ekblom, A. (2023). The role of palaeoecology in reconciling biodiversity conservation, livelihoods and carbon storage in Madagascar. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 4.
Grealy, A., Miller, G. H., Phillips, M. J., Clarke, S. J., Fogel, M., Patalwala, D., Rigby, P., Hubbard, A., Demarchi, B., Collins, M., Mackie, M., Sakalauskaite, J., Stiller, J., Clarke, J. A., Legendre, L. J., Douglass, K., Hansford, J., Haile, J., & Bunce, M. (2023). Molecular exploration of fossil eggshell uncovers hidden lineage of giant extinct bird. Nature Communications, 14(1), Article 1.
Green, C., Bilyanska, A., Bradley, M., Dinsdale, J., Hutt, L., Backhaus, T., …Cornell, S., & Lynch, I. (2023). A Horizon Scan to Support Chemical Pollution–Related Policymaking for Sustainable and Climate‐Resilient Economies. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 42(6), 1212-1228.
Gutierrez, K., & Acabado, S. (2023, March). Recent Transdisciplinary Moves in Philippine Studies. In 2023 AAS Annual Conference. ASIANSTUDIES.
Hahn, T., Sioen, G. B., Gasparatos, A., Elmqvist, T., Brondizio, E., Gómez-Baggethun, E., … Jarzebski, M.P. & Takeuchi, K. (2023). Insurance value of biodiversity in the Anthropocene is the full resilience value. Ecological Economics, 208, 107799.
Herskind, L., & Riede, F. (2023). Squeezing Minds from Stones: Cognitive Archaeology and the Evolution of the Human Mind. Karenleigh A. Overmann and Frederick L. Coolidge, editors. 2019. Oxford University Press, Oxford. American Antiquity, 1-2. doi:10.1017/aaq.2023.12
Hilbert, L., Alves, D. T., Neves, E. G., & Iriarte, J. (2023). A glimpse into shell mound builders’ diet during mid-to-late Holocene on Marajó island. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 1-10.
Hostettler, M., Hafner, A., & Weiberg, E. (2023). S35: Cultivation under uncertainty-the interplay of social and ecological factors in prehistoric and ancient agriculture.
Hussain, S. T., Hellerøe, S. F., Dalager, H. N., Nielsen, E. S., Vinter, M., & Riede, F. (2023). Was the Late Glacial human occupation of northernmost Europe facilitated by whales? New data and perspectives on lithic technology and the paleoecology of the Vendsyssel area, Northern Jutland, Denmark. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 1-29.
Jarzebski, M. P., Karthe, D., Chapagain, S. K., Pu, J., & Fukushi, K. (2023). Comparative Analysis of Water Sustainability Indices: A Systematic Review.
Jarzebski, M. P., Su, J., Abrahamyan, A., Lee, J., Kawasaki, J., Chen, B., … & Gasparatos, A. (2023). Developing biodiversity-based solutions for sustainable food systems through transdisciplinary Sustainable Development Goals Labs (SDG-Labs). Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7, 1-16.
Kerr, M. R., Ordonez, A., Riede, F., & Svenning, J. C. (2023). A biogeographic–macroecological perspective on the rising novelty of the biosphere in the Anthropocene. Journal of Biogeography.
Lane, P. J. (2023). Hearth and home in the Iron Age of eastern Africa: ethnographic models, historical linguistics and archaeological evidence. Southern African Humanities, 36(1), 181-200.
Lane, P. J., & Michaut, E. (2023). Material assemblages and percolating pasts in Zigua households, north-eastern Tanzania. Journal of Social Archaeology, 23(3), 326-346.
Lane, P., Schadla-Hall, T., & Taylor, B. (2023). Hunter-Gatherers in the Landscape: Surveys and Excavations in the Eastern Vale of Pickering, 1976-2000.
Leff, E. (2023). La transición histórica hacia la sustentabilidad de la vida. Guaju, 9, 11-22.
Leff, E. (2023), El riesgo de la vida, Siglo XXI Editores, México (in preparation).
Leff, E. (Ed.) (2023), Diálogo de Saberes y la Transición Histórica hacia la Sustentabilidad de la Vida, Siglo XXI Editores, México.
Leppard, T. P., DiNapoli, R. J., Cherry, J. F., Douglass, K., Erlandson, J. M., Hunt, T. L., … & Swift, J. A. (2023). The premise and potential of model-based approaches to island archaeology: A response to Terrell. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 18(4), 693-700.
Levin, T., Sjöberg, S., Jiang, B., & Barthel, S. (2023). Social sustainability and Alexander’s living structure through a new kind of city science. Urban Planning, 8(3), 224-234.
Ljungqvist, F. C., Christiansen, B., Esper, J., Huhtamaa, H., Leijonhufvud, L., Pfister, C., … & Thejll, P. (2023). Climatic signatures in early modern European grain harvest yields. Climate of the Past, 19(12), 2463-2491.
Ljungkvist, J., & Lindholm, K. J. (2023). Bears and the Viking Age transition in Sweden. In Bear and Human: Facets of a Multi-Layered Relationship from Past to Recent Times, with Emphasis on Northern Europe (pp. 387-404).
Lobo, J., Aggarwal, R. M., Alberti, M., Allen-Dumas, M., Bettencourt, L. M., Boone, C., …Rockman, M. & Gauthier, N. (2023). Integration of urban science and urban climate adaptation research: opportunities to advance climate action. npj Urban Sustainability, 3(1), 32.
Lucero, L.(2023) Ancient Maya Reservoirs, Constructed Wetlands, and Future Water Needs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (42) e2306870120. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2306870120.
Maier, A., Schmidt, I., Gehlen, B., Winkler, K., Arrizabalaga, A., Mevel, L., … Riede, F. & Zimmermann, A. (2023, April). Move or stay put–Two distinct metapopulation responses to environmental degradation during the Gravettian and Late Palaeolithic at their ecological margins. In Hugo Obermaier Tagung.
Matlin, S. A., Mehta, G., Cornell, S. E., Krief, A., & Hopf, H. (2023). Chemistry and pathways to net zero for sustainability. RSC Sustainability, 1(7), 1704-1721.
Mathevet, R. (2023). Dialogue, Monologue, Mobilize, Act: the four-step waltz towards social and ecological stewardship of territories. Acting for the living # 3 , 80-87.
Mendez-Lazaro, P., Chardon-Maldonado, P., Carrubba, L., Barreto, M., Bowden, J., Crespo, W., … Rivera-Collazo, I. & Lustig, A. (2023). US Caribbean-The Fifth National Climate Assessment. AGU23.
McMichael, C. N. H., Levis, C., Gosling, W. D., Junqueira, A. B., Piperno, D. R., Neves, E. G., … & Bongers, F. (2023). Spatial and temporal abilities of proxies used to detect pre-Columbian Indigenous human activity in Amazonian ecosystems. Quaternary Science Reviews, 321, 108354.
Morgan, R. (2023). Great Southern Land: The Story of the Australian Continent, National Museum of Australia, Canberra. Australian Historical Studies, 54(2), 354-358.
Moreau, C., Barnaud, C., Mathevet, R., Savoirs, E., Godet, L., Dufour, S., & Rollet, A. J. (2023). L’état de référence: une construction sociale.
Norström, E., Smittenberg, R., Ekblom, A., Haberle, S., & Katrantsiotis, C. (2023). Late Quaternary climate variability in Madagascar and its connection to South-East Africa hydroclimate changes and atmospheric circulation patterns (No. EGU23-12410). Copernicus Meetings.
Paglia, E., & Sörlin, S. (2023). Greening our common fate: Stockholm as a node of global environmental memory.
Pan, H., Page, J., Shi, R., Cong, C., Cai, Z., Barthel, S., … & Kalantari, Z. (2023). Contribution of prioritized urban nature-based solutions allocation to carbon neutrality. Nature Climate Change, 13(8), 862-870.
Pan, H., Page, J., Shi, R., Cong, C., Cai, Z., Barthel, S., … & Kalantari, Z. (2023). Potential contribution of prioritized spatial allocation of nature-based solutions to climate neutrality in major EU cities.
Pedersen, J. B., Assmann, J. J., Normand, S., Karger, D. N., & Riede, F. (2023). Climate Niche Modeling Reveals the Fate of Pioneering Late Pleistocene Populations in Northern Europe. Current Anthropology, 64(5), 599-608.
Pikirayi I., F. Sulas, S. Chirikure, J. Chikumbirike, E. M. Sagiya. 2023. The conundrum of Great Zimbabwe. Journal of Urban Archaeology 7. Open Access (OA):
Quahe, S., Cornell, S. E., & West, S. (2023). Framing science-based targets: Reformist and radical discourses in an Earth system governance initiative. Earth System Governance, 18, 100196.
Raghunatha, A., Thollander, P., & Barthel, S. (2023). Addressing the emergence of drones–A policy development framework for regional drone transportation systems. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 18, 100795.
Riede, F., Lew-Levy, S., Johannsen, N. N., Lavi, N., & Andersen, M. M. (2023). Toys as Teachers: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Object Use and Enskillment in Hunter–Gatherer Societies. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 30(1), 32-63.
Rivera-Collazo, I. C., & Perdikaris, S. (2023). Climate change, site formation, and indigenous use of coastlines in Barbuda. The Holocene, 33(9), 1142-1153.
Rodríguez-Delgado, E., Rodríguez-Miranda, M., & Rivera-Collazo, I. (2023). Modeling Holocene coastal ecosystem availability and site distribution patterns for Borikén, Puerto Rico. The Holocene, 33(3), 321-334.
Samuelsson, K., Brandt, S. A., Barthel, S., Linder, N., Lim, N. J., & Giusti, M. (2023). Diverse experiences by active travel: Longitudinal study reveals a persistent discrepancy across residential contexts.
Samson, A., Cooper, J., Martínez Milantchí, M., Puigdoller, V. & Nieves, M. (2023). Caring labor and the affective economy in the making of the Caribbean. American Anthropologist. 125. 10.1111/aman.13908.
Scarborough, V. L. (2023). Late Neolithic community, clay pipes and water diversion in monsoonal North Central China. Nature Water, 1(8), 664-665.
Scarlett, J., Rothenberg, M., Riede, F., & Holmberg, K. (2023). ‘Dark Heritage’: Landscape, Hazard, and Heritage. In Routledge Handbook on Cultural Heritage and Disaster Risk Management (pp. 225-244). Routledge.
Schmidt, M. J., Goldberg, S. L., Heckenberger, M., Fausto, C., Franchetto, B., Watling, J., … & Neves, E.G., Perron, J. T. (2023). Intentional creation of carbon-rich dark earth soils in the Amazon. Science advances, 9(38), eadh8499.
Setiawati, M. D., Jarzebski, M. P., Miura, F., Mishra, B. K., & Fukushi, K. (2023). The public health risks of waterborne pathogen exposure under a climate change scenario in Indonesia. In Ecological footprints of climate change: adaptive approaches and sustainability (pp. 607-624). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Silayo, V. M., & Pikirayi, I. (2023). Community-based approaches in the construction and management of water infrastructures among the Chagga, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Land, 12(3), 570.
Sjåfjell, B., Cornell, S., & Häyhä, T. (2023). Business, Sustainability and Agenda 2030. Preprint of article submitted to the Earth System Governance Journal in March.
Sulas, F. (2023). Geospatial Science. African Archaeological Review, 40(4), 801-803.
Sörlin, S. (2023). Hybrid Humanities—Integrative Approaches to Humanities Histories. History of Humanities, 8(2), 239-249.
Tainter, J. A. (2023). How Scholars Explain Collapse. In How Worlds Collapse (pp. 25-36). Routledge.
Torrescano-Valle, N., Folan, W. J., Yanez-Montalvo, A., & Gunn, J. D. (2023). Climate and agricultural history from the Petén Campechano in the Late Holocene Maya lowlands of southern Mexico. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 32(4), 387-403.
Travis, C., Holm, P., Ludlow, F., Kostick, C., McGovern, R., & Nicholls, J. (2023). Cowboys, Cod, Climate, and Conflict: Navigations in the Digital Environmental Humanities. In Routledge Handbook of the Digital Environmental Humanities. Taylor & Francis.
Tsirintoulaki, K., Matzig, D. N., & Riede, F. (2023). A 2D Geometric Morphometric Assessment of Chrono-Cultural Trends in Osseous Barbed Points of the European Final Palaeolithic and Early Mesolithic. Open Archaeology, 9(1), 20220276.
Vardi, J., Yegorov, D., Degen-Eisenberg, D., Boaretto, E., Langgut, D., Avni, Y., & Caracuta, V. (2023). The utilization and extinction of Juniper trees from the Negev desert (Israel)-Data from a late 6th–5th millennia site of Har Harif. Journal of Arid Environments, 210, 104906.
Vieri, J., Chirikure, S., Lane, P., & Martinón-Torres, M. (2023). Archaeological science, globalisation, and local agency: gold in Great Zimbabwe. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 15(8), 127.
Villarrubia-Gómez, P., Almroth, B. C., Syberg, K., Dey, T., Bergmann, M., Brander, S. M., … & Cornell, S. E. (2023). Technology cannot fix this: To stay within planetary boundaries, plastic growth must be tackled.
Walsh, M. J., O’Neill, S., Prentiss, A. M., Willerslev, R., Riede, F., & Jordan, P. D. (2023). Ideas with Histories: Traditional Knowledge Evolves. Arctic, 76(1), 26-47.
Wang, J., Yang, B., Wang, Z., Luterbacher, J., & Ljungqvist, F. C. (2023). Recent weakening of seasonal temperature difference in East Asia beyond the historical range of variability since the 14th century. Science China Earth Sciences, 66(5), 1133-1146.
Wehlin, J., Ljunge, M. O., Larsson, P. I., Eddudóttir, S. D., Ekblom, A., & Eriksson, J. A. (2023). Hunter-gatherer farming during the first millennium bce in inland, boreal landscapes: new pollen analytical and archaeological evidence from Dalarna, central Sweden. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 32(6), 615-633.
Wood, C., Sandewall, M., Sandström, S., Ståhl, G., Allard, A., Eriksson, A., … Isendahl, C. & Norton, L. (2023). Social data: what exists in reporting schemes for different land systems?. In Monitoring Biodiversity (pp. 202-217). Routledge. BOOK CHAPTER
Yang, B., He, M., Yang, L., Wang, F., & Ljungqvist, F. C. (2023). Pine Maximum Latewood Density in Semi‐Arid Northern China Records Hydroclimate Rather Than Temperature. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(13), e2023GL104362.
Yaworsky, P. M., Hussain, S. T., & Riede, F. (2023). Climate-driven habitat shifts of high-ranked prey species structure Late Upper Paleolithic hunting. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 4238.
Acabado, S., Lauer, A., & Martin, M. (2022). Community Engagement and Cultural Heritage in Southeast Asian Charles F. W. Higham, and Nam C. Kim (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Early Southeast Asia, Oxford Handbooks (2022; online edn, Oxford Academic, 14 Feb. 2022),
Acabado, S., & Martin, M. (2022). Indigenous archaeology in the Philippines: decolonizing Ifugao history. University of Arizona Press.
Aguiar, A. P., Cornell, S., Cortes-Calderon, S., & Remy, M. (2022). SHAPE Report on the second phase of the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue, 4-8 April 2022.
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