IHOPE SSC member Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist, alongside Andrea Seim and Dominik Collet, has published a new paper in WIREs. The paper Famines in medieval and early modern Europe—Connecting climate and society examines…
Category: Publications
IHOPE is proud to announce that our SSC Member Lisa Lucero has published a new paper on sustainable solutions for water management. Ancient Maya reservoirs, constructed wetlands, and future water needs was published…
IHOPE’s SSC member, Steven Hartman, as Executive Director of the BRIDGES Coalition, has spearheaded the ambitous project to map humanities-led efforts in sustainability science. The result is a beautiful and informative 68…
IHOPE Scientific Steering Committee Member Akinwumi Ogundiran has published the new article Classic Ilé-Ifẹ̀: A Consideration of Scale in the Archaeology of Early Yorùbá Urbanism, ad 1000–1400 in January of 2023 for the…
We are pleased to announce that our IHOPE affiliate, postdoctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki, Dr. Katerina Velentza, published a new paper in the European Journal of Archaeology. Dr. Velentza has…
An exciting new book of interest to our network was released this month: Living Ruins: Native Engagements with Past Materialities in Contemporary Mesoamerica, Amazonia, and the Andes, edited by Philippe Erikson and…
A new and interesting book has recently come out merging interests of archaeology and sustainability. Sustainability and Water Management in the Maya World and Beyond, edited by Jean T. Larmon, Lisa J….
The new book Irrigation in Early States: New Directions from The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. The table of contents and formal book page can be found here: https://oi.uchicago.edu/sites/oi.uchicago.edu/files/uploads/shared/docs/Publications/OIS/ois13.pdf The book,…
If the Past Teaches, What Does the Future Learn? Ancient Urban Regions and the Durable Future is the product of three workshops organized by the Integrated History and Future of People on…
An understanding of historical events of pandemics is of acute relevence as a comparison to the ongoing Covid crises. Through an impressive collaboration of authors and compilation of paleoecological work across Europe…