The first deliverable of Explorative Imaginaries
The music EP “Sånger från Ängersjö” (Songs from Ängersjö) consists of five tracks composed and recorded by the jazz musician Maria Kvist. The record is the first deliverable from the research communication project Explorative Imaginaries; Communicating the biocultural heritage of the forests centred on the village of Ängersjö in central Sweden. In the project, we aim at the development of a communication platform – conceptualised as Explorative Imaginaries – containing tools for exploring cultural, historical and ecological processes that shape biocultural heritage, and to find new ways of communicating knowledge about biocultural heritage using maps, photography, audio-visual representation, film, and music. The purpose of the project is to use a plural approach to communication and to create new imaginaries based on a fusion of art and science, allowing visualisation and representation of multiple experiences of living in the forest edges of Scandinavia, and to create new imaginaries of pasts and possible futures. The project is an extension project of the ongoing IHOPE affiliated research project Contesting Marginality.
The music is available on:
The YouTube channel Explorative Imaginaries
The record is also available on iTunes and on Amazon