Multispecies Ethnography and Artistic Methods Conference – July 3rd and 4th
The Multispecies Ethnography and Artistic Methods (MEAM) Conference is being organized by the MEAM Network and will be held on July 3rd and 4th, 2023 in Liège, Belgium, as well as online. MEAM offers a space to develop methods and theories as well as experiment in the research overlap between art and the environment (as seen with a multispecies orientation). The conference will include artistic performances, an exhibition, as well as talks from keynote speakers. A main aim is to “engage the entanglements of ethnographic research and art” and to address and explore methodological possibilities in multispecies research development.
If you are interested in attending the Multispecies Ethnography and Artistic Methods Conference, whether in person or online, registration should be done via this form by June 15th. Additionally, you can download the flyer for the event here, if you’d like to distribute it. More information about MEAM and their other events can be found on their website.