The formation of BRIDGES as an international coalition is now proposed as a means to support and strengthen the sustainability science domain as it has developed over the past two decades. Following extensive visioning efforts and robust consensus-building workshops among leading institutional and organizational partners from around the world as part of the 2019 establishment process, the BRIDGES coalition is expected to launch in 2020 and thereby strengthen efforts of UN member states to meet their sustainable development goals and obligations within the Agenda 2030 framework
See report on the BRIDGES conference in October 2019 hosted by the Sigtuna Foundation. A summary can be found on the Bifrost org webpage:
The 2019 establishment process finalized in Sigtuna called not only for the framing of an effective governance model for BRIDGES but also for the shaping of a viable plan enabling the coalition to translate its guiding principles into meaningful action for transformative change. There was broad agreement among the coalition’s founding member entities that BRIDGES should develop an action framework, starting in 2020, that brings together diverse partners to design and implement a range of territory-based pilot projects and branded events, combining different knowledge sources and traditions and based on an underlying expectation of equitable collaboration and co-ownership among academic and non-academic partners. Read more here