
The Jena Declaration AmericaS Conference – November 9th, 2023

On November 9th the Jena Declaration AmericaS Conference will be held as a forum for citizens to express their perpsectives on sustainability. The conference will include representation from: Mapuche Cul­ture, a wom­en’s empow­er­ment move­ment in the Caribbean, par­tic­i­pants in the Colom­bian peace build­ing process, an action group for clean water, and musical theater artists working for sus­tain­abil­i­ty.

The Jena Declaration AmericaS Conference will begin on Thursday, November 9th at 9am EDT (3pm CET) and last for the day ending at 3pm EDT (21.00 CET). The event is held online and more details as well as the Zoom link to attend and a full program can be found on the Jena Declaration website. 

You can read about how IHOPE recently became a signatory of the Jena Declaration here.