The Amazon we want: new report
See the recent assessment of the Amazon based on historical and current knowledge, developed from an interdisciplinary team of more than 200 scholars and other stakeholder groups.

From the report text: This is a first-of-its-kind Report which provides a comprehensive, objective, open, transparent, systematic, and rigorous scientific assessment of the state of the Amazon’s ecosystems, current trends, and their implications for the long-term well-being of the region, as well as opportunities and policy relevant options for conservation and sustainable development.
The Science Panel for the Amazon is onvened under the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). TheSPA is composed of over 200 scientists and researchers from the eight Amazonian countries, FrenchGuiana, and global partners. These experts came together todebate, analyze, and assemble the accumulated knowledge of the scientic community, Indigenous peoples, and other stakeholders that live and work in the Amazon.The Panel is inspired by the Leticia Pact for the Amazon.
Read the summary and full report here.